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Friday, April 29, 2005

Video phones intereract with TV viewers

Interactive TV - or "Participation TV" takes on a new meaning with video phones.
Monique Van Dusseldorp has written an interesting post for E-Media Tidbits on Italy's success with video phones and their high penetration rate in this country (almost 1 million people own a 3G mobile video phone). Monique gives somes examples of how they are being used:
"Telecom Italia's broadband portal, Rosso Alice, includes a 24-hour video chat community, with local heroes broadcasting their own shows, but also offers eight hours of live television per day.
In the programs, those with a video phone or webcam can interact with the TV hosts, sing songs, tell jokes, provide cinema reviews, etc. The caller's video image is visible on screen, next to or behind the hosts, who sit in a Flash-produced digital studio.
And the system is now making it to mainstream TV as well. From April 27 onward, public broadcaster RAI Uno's morning show, Mattina, is using it to invite the audience to call in and respond to the day's issues and studio guests".

- Italy: Video chat format goes mainstream
- France: CultTV show gains wider distribution
- Former Yugoslavia: Launch of Videoletters community
- US: Gore teams with Google to launch TV channel Current
- Russia/Netherlands: Worldmade Channel shows home videos
- Portugal: Sofiaís Diary announces worldwide sales
- UK: Live interactive reverse auction TV show Bid2Win on Sky
TV to Mobile
- Germany: Eurovision Playback Star
- Italy: Trophy soccer match on Live TV!
- Australia: Jong Zuid with Australian cast
- US: FOX News Channel on Sprint TV
- Japan: TV sports show on mobile in animation form
- UK: Grand National streamed live to 3 network
- Finland: sales surge with mobile portal
- Sweden: Kamera launches WOW! TV
- Netherlands: Heineken's camera-phone treasure hunt
- Spain: TV3 succeeds with 3alacarta
- UK: TalkSPORT TV launches on William Hill Channel
- Hong Kong: Robert Chua launches ëThe Interactive Channel'
- Brunei and Malaysia: Local versions of Pop Idol
- Belgium/Finland/Germany: Valentine text to speech services
- Finland: Paris Lemons parody on SubTV
- Germany: TV greetings on SuperRTL

Video-Phone Feeds Getting Into Mainstream Media


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